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NEWS: Update to Prohibited Content and Services


Dear Users,

We have updated the Terms of Use by adding the following types of content and services to the prohibited section:

  • Trading operations involving unprocessed precious metals, except for items made from such metals.
  • Get-rich-quick schemes: Advertising that promotes any form of get-rich-quick systems, including multi-level marketing (MLM) programs, is not allowed.
  • URLs in ads: You may include one active (clickable) URL in the designated field in the listing details, and up to three text URLs in the second half of the ad description. All URLs must direct users to a page with additional information about the product or service described in the ad. URLs must not link to a homepage more than once across different ads and should not lead to pages primarily focused on data collection or registration forms. The target page should provide meaningful and relevant information related to the offer described in the listing.

These changes were made to enhance the quality of listings and improve user safety.

Thank you for your attention!

For more information, please review the Terms of Use.

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Article details
Article ID: 49
Category: What it?
Date added: 2024-09-22 03:20:11
Rating (Votes): Article rated 5.0/5.0 (1)

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